Sunday, February 24, 2013

FRIGID New York Interview - Karim Muasher of "The Vindlevoss Family Circus Spectacular!"

By Byrne Harrison

Name: Karim Muasher

Karim Muasher is a director, performer, and teacher of original devised theatre.  His work has been seen at venues all over the world, from the London Sprint Festival to the PUNCH Puppet Slam in New York.  He currently teaches at both Borough of Manhattan Community College and the Brooklyn College Community Partnership.  A graduate of the London International School of Performing Arts, he trained under pedagogues Thomas Prattki and Amy Russell.

What’s your show about?

It’s about a mustachioed lady Professor Penelope Vindlevoss and her domesticated zombie Edward putting on a circus all by themselves.  And what it means to be human.

What inspired you to create it?

I discovered on Halloween that I loved wearing fake teeth and pretending to be a silly zombie. My collaborator Carrie came up with Professor Vindlevoss as a way to complement that character.  And she looks great in a mustache.  At the same time we were watching the documentary “Circus” on PBS, and found that whole world fascinating.  Mix all that together and POOF! a show is born.

Who else is involved with the show?

It’s me, my collaborator Carrie Brown, and our director Mark Gindick.  Mark is the latest addition to the team, and he brings a lot of experience to the show from clowning with both Ringling Bros. and the Big Apple Circus.

Who is your dream audience for this show?

Parents with their kids.  Teenagers.  People in their 20’s.  We’ve gotta create the next generation of theatregoers.

Who are your biggest influences?

I grew up with my eyes glued to the TV.

What other shows are you planning to see at FRIGID?

A Day in the Life of Miss Hiccup.  Everyone who’s seen her has told me she’s fantastic.

What's next for you after FRIGID?

It’s onward and upward to our next two person show, Petunia and Chicken.  It’s going to be an epic love story set against the backdrop of a Willa Cather inspired world of cornfields and Czech accents.  We think.

Lightning round

Paper or plastic? Paper.  Does anyone ever answer plastic?

Comedy or drama? Comedy-drama.

Beach or mountains? Beach AND mountains.

Black box or proscenium? Black box, baby.  It’s all I know.

Glee or Smash? Smash. So much drama!

Cats or dogs? Cats AND dogs.

Musical or straight play? Play with music.

TheVindlevoss Family Circus Spectacular! plays at UNDER St. Marks on the following dates:

Feb 27, 10:15PM
Mar 01, 5:30PM
Mar 02, 6:50PM

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