Sunday, June 3, 2012

Baby Redboots' Revenge : Avante Vaudeville

By Anne Meighan and Philip-Dimitri Galas
Photography and graphic design by Anne Meighan

Whatever happened to...whatever happened to....Baby Four Strings?

You might be surprised to hear that former child star Baby Four Strings (the one that starred next to Baby Redboots on the stage and in pictures...they were adorable!) is still alive and ready to present his audience with a pop-culture iconoclasm, a performance so great it will ghostbust all performance demons of the past, present and future. Hipper than trans-modernism.  Cornier than science. Give me a one-two-three, Baby is going to shatter his own myth and perform as someone else ENTIRELY!

Baby Fourstrings’ manifesto: Theatre of Revenge. Baby plays Gasoline and the stage plays Flame. The explosion is unforgettable.

Intrigued?  Find out more about "Baby Redboots' Revenge" and the rest of the shows at the soloNOVA Arts Festival by clicking here:

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