Name: Andy Hadaway, on behalf of the tiny black hearts productions
Play: Dandilion and the Amazing Bicycle Powered Cloud Plane
Relationship to production: Production team. By the time it gets to the stage everyone involved will have been involved in everything!
How long have you been involved in theatre?
The tiny black hearts productions has been in existence for three years. Members are required to forget everything that came before (as they must promise to never do anything else ever again if they leave the family... At risk of severe punishment). This is sixth performance in that time. The previous include three plays, a circus/cabaret, and a street initiative. We have also participated in and curated several parades. We are based in Texas but have recently opened a cell in New York City. This performance will be the first bi-coastal endeavor. In fact many of the performers and production staff will meet for the first time the day before the premiere!
What play had the biggest influence on your life?
We would say the production of "Six Feet Under" highlights put on by a prototype company in an Eastside Austin Warehouse that took the entire series and boiled it down to thirty minutes of psychedelic madness. Or the H2Hoes second performance at the Elks lodge. Syncronized swimmers, pirates, sea monsters and a ziggy stardust style rock band... Need we say more?

It is hard to answer that question without hearing the tone in your voice... It's about thirty minutes. The plot involves a boy named Dandilion who builds an Amazing Bicycle Powered Cloud Plane to rescue his sister Stawberry from the Pig People. The theme involves something more. It's about imagination and ingenuity and daring-do. Dandilion is a boy who thinks he has enormous obstacles to overcome and puts everything he has... and can get into overcoming said obstacles. That everything becomes the Amazing Bicycle Powered Cloud Plane. When all is said and done his hard work becomes an instrument for joy instead of war, and it is quite a relief.
What led you to perform it?
We choose the piece that will be performed at any given time based on a number of factors. We all work on everything we do in whatever facility we are most able to at the time. This story seemed fitting to do as the first to be performed in New York City as it was conceived on an air plane flying from Austin to New York City. That being said, it has been on the table for a year and other performances that were newer were put on first. Our next may be one of the many that we have in pre-production now or it may be something that sprouts from this experience. Or we might just love this one so much we only want to perform it from now on! We just pick what feels right at the moment and run with it.
What inspired you to apply for the Too Soon Festival?
We decided we wanted to work on Dandilion and the Amazing Bicycle Powered Cloud Plane and we decided we wanted to perform it in New York. One of our members had attended some performances at the Brick theater and subscribes to their mailing list. A call for entries to the Too Soon Festival was in one of the emails. We thought we would be a good match for what they were trying to do.
What's next for you after Too Soon?
We have a number of ideas on the table. We would like to do more in New York and Austin. Probably one performance in the fall one in the spring in either or both. Next summer we plan to do summer festivals in Europe. As far as content goes... We have a lot to chose from... The Wizard and the Pirate, Tortoise and the Hare 2: the Aftermath, the Shoemaker's Apprentice, Home Home : Meeter Peeter and his Cavern of Wishes, The Name Which Breaks Jaws to Pronounce, Smoking Jim Morrison, The Patel Show... Who knows?
And finally, if you could slow the world down and get two more hours out of every day, what would you do with them?
Something that makes us smile!
Dandilion and the Amazing Bicycle Powered Cloud Plane
Written by Heather Coffey and Andy Hadaway
Directed by Heather Coffey
45 minutes
Tue 6/15, 7pm
Sat 6/19, 1:30pm
Sun 6/20, 7pm
Fri 6/25, 11:15pm
Sun 6/27, 2pm
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