Thursday, October 23, 2008

News - 3LD Art & Technology Center Receives Grants

New York, NY— The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded 3LD $400,000. The Mellon grant supports all artistic and organizational initiatives at 3LD from 3-Legged Dog's own artistic production, to 3LD's Resident programming, Professional Development Resources and Program Analysis. Mellon has attached a two-to-one match requirement to $200,000 of this grant as a challenge to other 3LD supporters to make their own commitment to 3LD's facility and the continuation of artistic activity in Lower Manhattan that keeps New York City a vital cornerstone of artistic experimentation and cutting-edge creativity.

In addition 3LD has just been awarded $200,000 from the Rockefeller Foundation's New York City Cultural Innovation Fund, a fund which helps improve quality of life throughout the city by recognizing and supporting new opportunities in the creative sector. This highly competitive two-year grant, for 3LD's Cooperative Professional Resources program, will bolster several 3LD projects for large-scale theater and media artists:

- The Cooperative Studio Licensing Program, which develops the new art work of seven to nine arts groups annually.

- Professional Development technology and other training sessions, both private and public.

- Artist Working Groups, which bring artists together to tackle pressing problems affecting the New York City creative community.

- The expansion of 3LD's International Consortium, which creates long-term global partnerships for experimental art production.

3-Legged Dog was founded in 1994 by a group of artists working at the Ontological-Hysteric Theater and has become one of the leading experimental arts groups in New York. Its mission is to produce new, original works in theater, performance, media and hybrid forms. Working out of a strong literary tradition, they explore the new narrative possibilities created by digital technology, and provide an environment for their artists to create new tools and modes of expression so that they can excel across a range of disciplines. The company's award-winning work has been shown in New York and Europe. For more information visit

In 2006, the company inaugurated the 3LD Art & Technology Center at 80 Greenwich Street south of the World Trade Center site. 3LD Art & Technology Center is an artist-run production studio with one goal, to create a culture of risk taking, experimentation, independence and ambition with a cooperative international community of artists centered in New York. 3LD's facility and programs offer an arena in which residents simultaneously increase knowledge, streamline production processes and realize their creative visions. 3LD's resident programs are designed to create a stable, savvy, self-sufficient experimental arts community with access to resources and professional development that leads to better quality work, high production values, and new ways of engaging the public, here and abroad. With 3LD's resources and the time to really dig into their work, residents have the opportunity to test the limits of their materials and expand their artistic imaginations. Over the last two years, the company has supported the work of nearly 1000 artists including Laurie Anderson, Charles Mee, New Georges, Hourglass Group, HERE, The TEAM, Troika Ranch, Trick Saddle, Ripe Time, Reid Farrington, and many others. For more information visit: