By Byrne Harrison
Jason Morneau (Co-Producer/ Performer/ Stage Manager): Born in the blue collar city of Windsor, ON, Jason knew at a young age that he wanted to be in the entertainment industry. Performing in school plays, later joining Theatre Alive, he discovered that his passion was best served in Toronto, ON where he studied Film/TV Production. Jason has been in Toronto for almost nine years and has produced, directed, stage managed or performed for over three hundred shows. Jason is thrilled to be in New York for the first time and performing a show no less. Jason is also currently working on a one man show called "Rambo vs. MacGyver: the Musical."
Show: "Aerial Allusions"
How did you first get involved in theatre?
As early as grade one, I was involved with a French speaking play and played a main role, which motivated me to become more involved. It was not until the age of 16 when I started to audition for theatre productions in my home town that I got really involved. Was part of the drama club, Improv teams in high school and moved to Toronto, ON to study production. In the last ten years I have registered my production company Agawa Sapphire and have produced/directed/wrote and performed in well over twelve productions and stage managed many shows.
Who are your biggest influences?
Learning about Shakespeare in high school English and Drama classes gave me influence to start writing but my favorite play of all time would be Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot is what put the icing on the cake for me to pursue the arts.
Tell me a little bit about your show.
The show is a very heavy dance and clown style show. It looks into the roles people play in relationships and how it has changed over the years. It also looks at the patterns in relationships and the cycle it produces in humanity.
What inspired you to create it?
Well this is going to be fun to answer. I convinced Azana who is the director/producer of the show to apply for the CAFF lottery and so when we found out she won we had to come up with the show. She wanted to do a show that showcased her dance and aerial performance style, and well I come from a stand-up/sketch comedy background, but always love dancing, so I decided to tag along for this tour. We chose the content and plot because we both feel that the World has changed a lot when it comes to relationships and wanted to do a show that reflects that.
Who are your collaborators and how long have you been working with them?
Well Azana is the main brain behind the production and then there is myself. We met in Ottawa at the fringe festival in 2011. We hung out and even went to Montreal for a night. When she came to visit in the fall we talked about doing a show together and well here we are talking about how we met and talking about the show we are doing together.
What's next for you after FRIGID?
Well for me it’s killing time until we start our 5fringe festivals in less than 3months. Also trying to find a new city to live in because I do not want to live in Ottawa anymore. I am also working on another production that I am writing called Deadliest Heroes: Rambo v. MacGyver which hopefully will be presented by the end of the year.
And finally, if you could say anything to your potential audience, what would it be?
Please come with an open mind and ready to be entertained, and leaving with thought provoking messages.
"Aerial Allusions"
By Azana Productions
The Kraine Theater
85 E. 4th Street
Feb 25, 1:00PM
Feb 26, 5:30PM
Feb 28, 7:30PM
Feb 29, 6:00PM
Mar 03, 2:30PM
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