People's Theatre Project and
Theatre of the Oppressed NYC present
Let Me In! Déjame Entrar!
An original, interactive and bilingual theatrical event based on the performers' true stories of immigration and discrimination./Una obra teatral original, interactiva y bilingue basada en historias reales de immigración y discriminación.
3 Performances Only!!!
Sólo 3 funciones!!!
Reserve Tickets Now/Reserve Boletos Ahora
Admission is Pay-What-You-Can
Boletos son Pague-Lo-Que-Pueda
Thursday, February 10th at 7:30pm
Jueves, 10 de Febrero a las 7:30pm
The YM&YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood
54 Nagle Avenue
NY, NY 10040
Sunday, February 13th at 3:00pm
Domingo, 13 de Febrero a las 3:00pm
Manhattan Theatre Source
177 Macdougal Street #1
NY, NY 10011
Wednesday, February 16th at 7:30pm
Miércoles, 16 de Febrero a las 7:30pm
Columbia University Alumni Auditorium
650 West 168th Street
NY, NY 10032
These three short plays address issues that affect all New Yorkers. You, the audience member, are a character and an actor in our plays, helping us brainstorm alternative solutions to these urgent problems! /Estas tres obras presentan temas que afectan a todos los nuyorquinos. Usted, el público, es un personaje y actor en nuestras obras, ayudándonos a encontrar soluciones para estos urgentes problemas!
Uptown performances are followed by a panel discussion with experts in the field of immigration law and tenants' rights./Cada presentación sera seguida por un panel de expertos en el area de derechos de immigrantes y derechos de anquilinos.
Facilitated by: Katy Rubin & Mino Lora
Conceived, Scripted and Performed by the Action Theatre Ensemble/Creado, escrito y presentado por el elenco de Teatro Acción: Maria Aristy, Lisa Battle, Peter Bockman, Carmen Casas, Doris Cruz, Emily Davis, Laura Gabby, Paula Gilovich, Matt Higgins, Brittany Maldonado, Edwin Matos, Jr., Corporina Nicolas, Carlos Serrano and Susan Stillman
Reserve Pay-What-You-Can Tickets Now
/Reserve Boletos Ahora
Ticket Reservation/Para Reservaciones:; 646-398-9062
Support for this event provided by: The Union Square Awards, a project of the Tides Center; NoMAA Regrant Program, made possible by the JPMorgan Chase Foundation and the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone Development Corporation; Lower Manhattan Cultural Council; event space is co-hosted by the YM&YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood and Columbia University Medical Center Office of Government & Community Affairs.
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